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Investment Clubs - The book

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Being an investor is one of the greatest ways to make the world a better place. Tomie has been running investment clubs for half a decade in Lagos, Nigeria one of the most dynamic ecosystems on the planet!

This book does an amazing job in helping you understand exactly how this approach to working together yields better returns for each member of an investment club.

Tomi Davies, Founding President – African Business Angel Network

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Tomie outlines, from her experience, the benefits of imbibing a savings/investing culture very early in one's working career as a means of growing financial wealth.

I particularly like the contemporary chatty writing style of the book and will gladly recommend it to everyone who is new to investing especially entryy -level employees or those already employed and/or wondering how to grow their financial wealth.

Sade Odunaiya – Founding President, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society , Nigeria

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This book is a great read. I like that it's to the point, with many useful points for those serious about building a sustainable investment club. For a beginners guide and toolkit (and even for advanced clubs), this book packs plenty of punches and will definitely be a useful guide for a lot of pooled investment groups.

Mrs Udo Okonjo, CEO & Vice Chairman, Fine & Country West Africa

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This book is the real deal! It’s an easy, interesting and very practical guide to creating wealth in an accelerated way. No, it doesn’t teach you about money doubling schemes, instead it teaches you how to multiply wealth in even larger proportions.

Just as the African proverbs says, ‘if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together’, Tomie, in this book, teaches us how to go far together on the wealth creation journey and she does it in the most easy-to-understand way. This book will not give you a headache, but it will make your eyes pop, your mind expand and your hands take notes furiously. The best part is that Tomie has included all the resources (worksheets, templates etc) that you need to start practicing all you learn from the book.

This book, the author and all the contents herein come highly recommended - I am a living witness to the power of investment clubs as taught by Tomie Balogun.

Kemi Onabanjo, Engagement Manager , Mckinsey & Company

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Please be mindful of fake whatsApp identities, whatsApp groups, facebook groups or websites posing as Tomie Balogun. Tomie Balogun does not operate any whatsApp groups or solicit for investment in any way or form from the public. Any message received soliciting for your money or promising returns in any way or form is false and should be reported to the police.